£200k for motorcyclist who suffered serious injures

19 July 2023

Wendy* was riding a motorbike which was involved in a crash that left her seriously injured.

Wendy’s challenges

Wendy broke both of her legs which had to be pinned and plated.  She also had significant scarring on her legs. 

Wendy was treated in hospital and then discharged to a local rehabilitation centre. However, she could not return home because it was not easily accessible with her leg injuries.

How we supported Wendy

We made early contact with insurer.  Unfortunately, liability was disputed however we still pressed for an early interim payment to fund Wendy moving into her own ground floor flat. This was agreed by the insurer so Wendy could have her own home again. 

We also instructed a specialist orthopaedic case manager very early on to assess Wendy’s needs. The case manager made several recommendations to help her regain her independence, return to work, and manage her pain. The recommendations included an occupational therapy and rehabilitation assessment.

In total, the insurer made over £30,000 in interim payments, some of which were used to fund the recommendations, as well as to pay for the additional cost of renting her ground floor accommodation. 


In time, Wendy made a good recovery from her leg injuries apart from discomfort when standing for a long time. 

We gathered all the necessary evidence to support Wendy’s claim, and, in negotiations, she agreed a final settlement of over £200,000. 

The settlement not only paid for Wendy’s past losses, but it also gave her security to cover her future care and skin camouflage needs.


*Not their real name

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