£450,000 for pain caused by soft tissue injuries

29 May 2023

Mark* suffered nasty soft tissue injuries to his leg in a road traffic incident.

Initial challenges

Mark was taken to hospital for treatment.  He was in a lot of pain and found it difficult to walk; he had psychological symptoms too. In time he was well enough to leave hospital and returned home.

How we supported Mark

As soon as we were involved, we pressed for multi-disciplinary case management.  With this in place, we were able to ensure that Mark could have the further plastic surgery when he needed it, as well as pain management to cope with the pain. He also received physiotherapy to improve his walking.

Outcome for Mark

The driver’s representatives initially disputed responsibility however, with our perseverance, they eventually agreed to deal with the claim.  Meanwhile, we had secured their agreement to fund the case management. 

We gathered all the evidence needed to assess the value of the claim and after negotiations, agreed a settlement of around £450,000. This will ensure that Mark is able to pay for all his future treatment needs.



*Not their real name

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