£500k for foot injury caused by a road collision

08 June 2023

Deidre* was involved in a road collision which caused a foot injury which significantly impacted her life.

Challenges and our support

The foot injury caused her a lot of pain which impacted her ability to work. We made early contact with the insurer and arranged for the appointment of a case manager, who carried out an immediate needs assessment. 

We also arranged private physiotherapy.  The insurer admitted full responsibility and released interim monies, to help with Deidre’s immediate expenses and losses.


We gathered supportive medical evidence to show that Deirdre may need more foot surgery, and better aids to help her manage the foot symptoms. 

Provision was also made for the cost of modifying the property.  After negotiations, the claim was concluded in the sum of £500,000, which would fund her future needs.


*Not their real name

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