Head-on collision causing serious hip fractures

27 September 2024

James* was travelling in a car when an oncoming vehicle crossed over onto his side of the road, causing a head-on collision. The other driver was prosecuted, received a custodial sentence, and was disqualified from driving.

Initial challenges

An ambulance attended the scene and took James to the local specialist trauma centre. He was diagnosed and treated for serious hip fractures that needed surgery.  After some rehabilitation in the hospital, he was allowed home.

How we supported

When we were instructed, we contacted the other driver's insurer and, with their cooperation, arranged an urgent immediate needs assessment by a private clinical case manager. 

Based on this assessment, we were able to arrange private physiotherapy treatment and occupational therapy, which then provided aids to help James in his home. 

When he was fit enough to start driving again, we arranged a driving assessment to help with his confidence. 

We also secured early interim payments to help with his lost income, extra expenses such as using a taxi, and some home adaptations.


In time, we explored settlement with the driver's insurer.  Their opening offer was too low but, after negotiation, a total settlement including the rehabilitation costs was agreed at over £200,000. 

This would allow James to return to his life with security for the future.


*Not their real name

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