Life-changing injuries following a road traffic collision

24 July 2024

James sustained life-changing injuries following a road traffic collision on 8th January 2023. James, a qualified member of the Institute of Advanced Motorcyclists, was on a supervised ride when his motorcycle was struck by a vehicle, causing him to sustain extensive damage to his right foot with necrosis.

Due to the nature of James’ injuries, he was taken to the nearest major trauma centre, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Despite attempts to salvage James’ right foot, he underwent a below-the-knee amputation on 20th January, 2023.

Following his amputation, James was initially wheelchair bound. His pre-accident family home was unsuitable for his discharge, so arrangements were made for discharge to his in-law’s property.

Referral from 4Trauma4Patient service

James was referred to the 4Trauma4Patient service during his hospital admission, which introduced him to Higgs LLP, one of their approved legal partners specialising in serious injury. James instructed Higgs LLP to initiate his serious injury claim and support him.

Upon instruction, we immediately contacted the responsible driver’s insurance company. While enquiries into the cause of the accident were taking place, we secured immediate funding to adapt the property to provide downstairs living accommodation. 

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"4trauma 4 patients provided initial support and a “friendly face” in the hospital and immediately after leaving. I found this invaluable and really appreciated the support. They were instrumental in providing helpful information and, ultimately, putting me in contact with Higgs LLP."

In addition, we appointed a case manager in early February 2023 to prepare an assessment setting out James’ immediate needs.

The case manager produced a report recommending private therapies from a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, psychologist and dietician. A recommendation was made for a private referral to a prosthetic and orthotic rehabilitation company to assist in helping James regain his independence.  Funding was agreed to proceed with all recommendations.

James was extremely motivated to return to his pre-accident passions of skiing, cycling, and walking and to return to work. Access to privately funded treatment ultimately provided James with the best chance of returning to his pre-accident lifestyle as soon as possible. James returned to work in March 2023.  

A referral was made to a prosthetic provider at the end of March 2023, and following a number of casting appointments, James was provided with his private prosthesis in May 2023 (less than five months after the accident).

With continued access to interim payments and further therapeutic input, James was able to access the appropriate aids, equipment, and support to enable his recovery. His vehicle was adapted so that he could drive independently.  

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"I would like to add that all of the people at Higgs LLP, working on behalf of 4Trauma4Patients, have been extremely professional, approachable, friendly, and supportive. Andy and the team have worked diligently to assess all elements of my claim and have provided valuable advice, while keeping me, and the human aspect of my case, at the forefront of everything they have done."

James Pitchard (1)

During July and August 2023, James trialled a number of microprocessor feet to further enhance his mobility. Funding was provided to allow him to purchase an appropriate microprocessor foot for his needs, and funding was agreed upon in September 2023. The foot allowed James to return to hiking and the gym.  

James’ key priorities were to return to skiing and to move into more suitable long-term accommodation.   

Funding was provided for a Procarve ski limb in August 2023, and James had several appointments to design and provide an appropriate limb.   The Procarve limb was delivered in October 2023, and James commenced rehabilitation.

With continued rehabilitation, James was able to attend his annual family skiing trip in February 2024, only 13 months after his accident.

In December 2023, less than 12 months post-accident, James moved into his long-term accommodation, which will require suitable adaptation to not only meet his present needs but also his future needs as an amputee. The property will be wheelchair accessible to ensure that James can independently navigate his home without wearing his prosthesis and access all parts of the property.  

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"At no time have I ever felt like “just another case”, or a potential fee. In conjunction with my case manager at HCML, Higgs has helped provide me with leading technology prosthetics by working collaboratively with, rather than against, third-party insurers. This has allowed me to concentrate on my rehab and my goals of returning to normal family life, skiing and mountain biking- all within a year post-amputation."

James is keen to return to mountain biking, and steps are currently being taken to purchase a cycling limb to enable him to do so. As the case progresses, we will continue to ensure that he receives a high level of therapeutic intervention when needed and that his needs are also suitably met in the future.

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