£2m for car crash victim left with multiple injuries

15 February 2023

Wayne* was involved in a car crash which left him with severe fractures to the feet, as well as other injuries.

Initial challenges

He needed several operations to treat the fractures, followed by extensive physiotherapy and podiatry to help him to walk again.  When he was able to go home, he needed help from his partner.

How we supported

Whilst the driver’s representative investigated, we got them to agree to fund a specialist case manager to carry out an immediate needs assessment. Then, based on this assessment, we also got them to fund the various recommendations, including rehabilitation therapies and various aids and equipment.

Future challenges in case

Despite the surgery, Wayne was going to have a lifelong impact from his injuries, which were expected to worsen in future. Due to the injuries Wayne needed suitable accommodation.


We gathered all the evidence needed to fully quantify his losses now and into the future.  In settlement discussions with the driver’s representative, they initially only proposed a very low settlement. In the end we agreed a total amount of nearly £2m which meant that Wayne was able fund his long-term needs.


*Not their real name

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