Elizabeth Wood

Senior Associate - Business Succession Planning

Decorative Noodle Decorative Noodle
Open quotation mark

"I specialise in helping owner-mangers understand the rules that govern their business and, as necessary, put bespoke rules in place that better provide for them, their family and their business.”

I joined the business succession planning team at Higgs having trained with the firm.  In fact, I spent most of my training contract as part of the team as I knew early on this was where I wanted to qualify.

I love working with such a wide variety of businesses and getting to know the individuals involved and the challenges they and their business face is a real privilege.  Before training as a lawyer, I spent several years working in family businesses and hopefully this means that I bring a bit of 'real world' practicality to conversations.  Whilst I recognise it is not for everyone I also love some of the more technical aspects of company law and sharing the relevant law with clients so that they can make informed choices is a really rewarding part of my job.

I am also really passionate about the importance of taking care of ourselves in the workplace and this year became one of the firm's mental health first-aiders. I am really proud to work for a firm that recognises that looking after ourselves is the first step in delivering excellent service for our clients.

  • Helping start-up companies get articles and shareholders' agreements in place to document their plans for the future and continuing to work with them as those plans are implemented and the business grows.
  • Supporting directors of family businesses as they beginning to prepare to hand the business on to the next generation and ensuring that appropriate steps are taken to protect the business.
  • Updating an existing partnership agreement for a family farming business to reflect changes of over the last 30 years.
  • Supporting private investors and minority shareholders so that they can understand what a company's Articles, Shareholders' Agreement and other documents mean for them and their investment in the business.
  • Giving businesses owners the security of knowing that appropriate arrangements are in place to deal with some of the most challenging times their family and business may face. For example, cross option agreements which (often supported by specialist life policies) allow for the sale of a deceased shareholder's shares in a business to the other directors so their family are looked after and control of the business remains with those who have the responsibility of running it every day.

More about me

Favourite quote

"Peanut butter sandwiches goes perfectly well with a glass of white wine. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

Childhood career goal

Ballerina – I have to settle for watching!


Yoga, cold water swimming and walks with my Cairn Terrier puppy.

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